Paulo Mendes da Rocha and MMBB Arquitetos: Sesc 24 de Maio, adaptive reuse of an office building in São Paulo Foto: © Ciro Miguel
ARCH+ Project

Witness Hearing


Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 7 p.m.

CIVA, Rue de l'Ermitage 55, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

In February 2025, the European Citizens’ Initiative HouseEurope! begins their voting period to propose legislation prioritizing renovation and adaptive reuse. To help make the case against demolition and vacancy, ARCH+ will stage a “witness hearing” in the form of a conference at CIVA on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. Practitioners and theorists from all over Europe will exchange insights into successful approaches, but also economic, legislative, and architectural hurdles to a spatial practice of repair and care. In addition to spatial experts, members of the European Parliament are invited to directly address legislators.



MEP Rasmus Andresen (Greens/EFA)

Laurens Bekemans (BC architects & studies & materials / RWTH Aachen)

Oana Bogdan (&bogdan / HouseEurope!)

Iva Čukić (Ministarstvo prostora)

An Fonteyne (noAarchitecten / ETH Zurich)

Josiane Schmidt (HouseEurope!, ETH Zurich)

Gabu Heindl (GABU Heindl Architektur / Uni Kassel)

Petra Hlaváčková (4AM Forum for Architecture and Media / Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien)


The event is free, but CIVA kindly asks you to book a ticket here: civa.pierrot.io/talk-arch-house-europe


The witness hearing is part of the project Tomorrow Is Already Built: Renegotiating the Future of Our Urban Space by ARCH+ together with the European Citizens' Initiative HouseEurope!, the Brussels landscape and architecture museum CIVA, the Munich activist group JustizzentrumErhalten/ AbbrechenAbbrechen, and the Munich theater PATHOS, in cooperation with the Allianz Foundation and the Hans Sauer Stiftung