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May–October 2022, Berlin
Interventionen im Stadtraum // Konferenz im Museum für Kommunikation // Ausstellung im Liebig12
How does imperceptible radiation and the frequencies and waves used in new communication technologies change urban space, our bodies and our society? Forests of antennas, oceans of waves explores how the effects of high-frequency radiation can be made tangible through visual-aesthetic, physical-interactive and discursive-reflective strategies and methods.
The series of events will be taking place in Berlin from May to October 2022, consisting of artistic interventions in urban space by artists and researchers including bureau d'études (FR), Kate Donovan (UK/DE), Solarpunks (Berlin), Sarah Grant (US/DE) & Danja Vasiliev (RU/DE), Nicholas Nova (FR), Selena Savic (RS/CH) and Teresa Dillon (IE/GB), a conference in cooperation with the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (9/23 - 9/25/22) and a final exhibition and sound performance at the project space Liebig12 with the artists Susanna Hertrich (DE/CH) and Marta Zapparoli (IT/DE), beginning of october. Thematic starting point of the project are artistic and theoretical examinations of electromagnetic waves, motivated by current discussions around the new mobile phone generation "5G", which is in the testing or expansion phase in Berlin and other German and international cities, thus also discussed in the context of "smart city" technologies and initiatives.
The imperceptible changes brought about by these various generations of mobile communications and subsequent "smart city" technologies will be made tangible and discussable in artistic terms: Physical, social, legal, (urban) political, biological and ecological aspects of the "Hertzian" space will be illuminated in workshops, interactive walks, lecture-performances, sound-performances, installative presentations as well as discussion formats.
More information on the project website:
THE CURATORIAL TEAM consists of Shintaro Miyazaki (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Birgit Schneider (Universität Potsdam) & Daniela Silvestrin (Freelance Curator, Berlin).
The realisation of the project is made possible with funds from the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and supported by theUniversity of Potsdam and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, in cooperation with the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin and the exhibition space Liebig12.