Most of our content is produced in German and is not translated. This site enables you to navigate and make purchases in English. Check out our growing backlist of English editions.
12 am to 20 pm
6 pm
6 pm
6 pm
6 pm
4 pm
4-6 pm
8-10 pm
6 pm to 8 pm
Urban Explorations
4 pm
3-7 pm
3 to 8 pm
4 pm
11 am to 1 pm
4pm to 6pm
4pm to 6pm
4 pm to 6 pm
Artistic direction: Marion von Osten*, Christian Hiller, Alexandra Nehmer, Anh-Linh Ngo and Peter Spillmann
Curatorial assistance: Felix Hofmann
Project management: Christian Hiller
Production management exhibition: Franziska Zahl
Production management silent green: Linda Winkler
Event program: Jakob Walter
Managing director: Arno Löbbecke
Communications: Barbara Schindler (+49 30 340 467 19; schindler(at)
Project assistance: Friederike Kiko
Design: Modern Temperament/Oliver Klimpel, Till Sperrle
Project website: Knoth & Renner (Programming, Design), Karolzyk & Alan (CMS, Ticketing)
Copy-editing DE: Kirsten Thietz
Translation DE–EN: Alisa Kotmair
* Marion von Osten initiated the project and developed the conception with the curatorial team before she died in November 2020. The project is dedicated to her.
Cohabitation is a project of ARCH+ gGmbH
Cohabitation is funded by
Cohabitation Discourse: Zoopolis Berlin is funded by
Cohabitation Urban Explorations are funded by
In cooperation with
Further partners
Goethe-Institut Côte d’Ivoire
Spreepark / Grün Berlin