ARCH+ Association


Mission Statement

Since 1968 ARCH+ has stood for independent and critical architectural and urban discourse. This discursive continuity lends credibility and salience to our research and practice. In upholding this tradition of examining the relevance of spatial production for contemporary culture and society, ARCH+ Verein zur Förderung des Architektur- und Stadtdiskurses (ARCH+ Association for the Promotion of Architectural and Urban Discourse) was founded as a nonprofit charitable association in Berlin on January 23, 2014.


1. To foster critical and independent discourse in the tradition of ARCH+.
2. To establish a broad basis that supports socially relevant discourse.
3. To advance architectural education beyond the print medium.
4. To give German discourse an international platform through translations into English and the use of digital media.

Association registration & nonprofit status

Our nonprofit, charitable association is registered under the name "ARCH+ Verein zur Förderung des Architektur- und Stadtdiskurses e.V." and under the number VR 32210 B in the association registry at the Berlin-Charlottenburg District Court. The tax office Finanzamt für Körperschaften I has certified the association's nonprofit status under the tax number 27/660/64265. Membership fees and donations are tax deductible.

To support our goals we warmly invite you to become a member. Simply send the completed application form (PDF-Download) to: info(at)archplusverein.de
Association board

Anh-Linh Ngo, ARCH+ publishing director, association chair
Arno Löbbecke, architect, 1st vice chair
Christine Rüb, 2nd vice chair

Honorary members (1)

Nikolaus Kuhnert, ARCH+ publishing director, honorary chair

Beatriz Colomina, architectural theorist, Princeton University
Thomas Demand, artist, HFBK Hamburg
Jacques Herzog, architect, Herzog & de Meuron
Rem Koolhaas, architect, OMA
Konstantin Grcic, industrial designer, Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design

Advisory board

Arno Brandlhuber, architect
Mike Meiré, art director
Regine Leibinger, architect
Angelika Schnell, architectural theorist
Stephan Trüby, architectural theorist


ARCH+ Journal for Architecture and Urbanism
Friedrichstr. 23a
10969 Berlin

Donation account
GLS Bank
Recipient: ARCH+ Verein
IBAN: DE34430609671167754300

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